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Happy March, dear Reader!

This month's newsletter is all about the State of Zero Waste Municipalities Report 2022 (SZWMR among friends), which we are so happy to finally be able to share with you. In the report, you will find country profiles of 14 European countries, detailing their transition towards zero waste, a spotlight on cities that are rolling out reuse systems, and much more. Enjoy!


Highlight of the month


State of Zero Waste Municipalities Report 2022

The State of Zero Waste Municipalities Report 2022 is officially out, with this third edition detailing the efforts of no less than 480 municipalities from across Europe. 

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the work being done with municipalities to promote and implement effective local zero waste strategies, penned by representatives of Zero Waste Europe's member organisations.

In the words of Jack McQuibban, Head of Local Zero Waste Implementation at ZWE:

The story of the growth of Zero Waste Cities around the world showcases how we can turn despair into action.

This year, the report also puts a spotlight on reuse by highlighting some of the best practices that cities have taken to prevent waste from being created in the first place. Dive into the report to learn more about these frontrunners, from Tübingen's tax on single-use packaging to Paris' enactment of a major plastic reduction strategy. 

Want more #ZeroWasteCities?


We have compiled a short list of things we think you might find useful, like:

  • Our latest press release on the certification of Kiel, which after a succesful audit has taken the title of Germany's first Zero Waste Certified CityRead the PR

  • A guidance on how to ensure efficient collection of bio-waste, including key data on the performance of different collection systems and best practices. Learn more

  • A new call for cities for the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC), which supports European cities towards the green and digital transition of their local economies. Apply here


Zero Waste Europe gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the European Union: Commission Directorate General (DG) Environment. The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with Zero Waste Europe. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the funder mentioned above. The funder cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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