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Enjoying the sunny month of June, dear Reader?

We hope you're ready to get your anaerobic digestion hat on and dust off the bokashi bin, because this month is all about bio-waste, digestate, and composting! Why, you ask? To properly kickoff our recently launched project, LIFE BIOBEST!

Read on to learn how you can follow and support LIFE BIOBEST, and explore other interesting resources for improving collection of bio-waste and mixed waste.


Highlight of the month


Dive into the regenerative world of LIFE BIOBEST

After months of careful planning and hard work, we're excited to finally announce the official launch of the LIFE BIOBEST project to the public! This milestone was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the LIFE BIOBEST Consortium, led by ENT Foundation together with partners ACR+, the Italian Compost and Biogas ConsortiumEuropean Compost Network and Zero Waste Europe

LIFE BIOBEST is a LIFE Preparatory Project aiming to guide the mainstreaming of best bio-waste management and recycling practices in the EU, with the ultimate goal of closing the gap in the biological cycle to enrich Europe's soil with high-quality compost. 

As the project develops over the next two years, we will be gathering and analysing data on best practices in bio-waste management in Europe, while also developing and sharing innovative solutions on how to overcome barriers preventing the adoption of such best practices.

How can I follow LIFE BIOBEST?
You can follow the project by signing up to receive dedicated newsletters or PRs from the project, by visiting for regular updates, or by joining the Supporting Stakeholder Network.

Want more #ZeroWasteCities?


We have compiled a short list of things you might find useful:

  • blog post by Jack McQuibban, ZWE's own Head of Local Zero Waste Implementation, in which he shows how an innovative 'waste formular' can help reduce the amount of mixed waste in municipalities. Read it here

  • Our press release on ZWE's participation in the second round of negotiations for the UN Global Plastics Treaty (INC-2), calling for delegates to put cities and communities at the heart of the negotiations. Read it here


Zero Waste Europe gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the European Union: Commission Directorate General (DG) Environment. The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with Zero Waste Europe. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the funder mentioned above. The funder cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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