Dear Reader, Eighteen months into the LIFE BIOBEST project, we are pleased to share a major milestone with you: the publication of four comprehensive guidelines on bio-waste management. These guidelines provide municipalities, authorities, and waste management professionals with a robust framework to enhance their organic waste management practices for the present and future.
You can read more about the release of the guidelines here.
In addition to creating the guidelines, the LIFE BIOBEST Consortium has undertaken several other key activities in the time since our December update, including:
Read on to learn more about the guidelines, our upcoming autumn events, and other project updates.
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The LIFE BIOBEST Consortium
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Publication of LIFE BIOBEST guidelines | |
Today, the LIFE BIOBEST project has released a series of four guidelines, providing a robust framework for unlocking the full potential of bio-waste recycling in Europe.
Each guideline covers a critical aspect of effective bio-waste management: | |
Save-the-dates and upcoming publications | |
After a succesful Cities event in Lyon this past spring, the LIFE BIOBEST project is excited to reveal the dates and locations of our two final Cities workshops: on 22 and 24 October, we will bring together local stakeholders in Portugal to learn from European best practices on bio-waste collection and recycling. The first event will take place in São João da Madeira, while the second will take place in Silves (registration will open soon).
Our upcoming events are not the only things to look forward to in 2024, however; later in the year, the BIOBEST Consortium will be publishing an EU comprehensive guidance on bio-waste collection and treatment, including proposals for EU quality standards for bio-waste entering the composting and anaerobic digestion process, guaranteeing optimal management processes and a safe return to soil.
Don't want to miss anything? Look out for more news about our events and publications on the LIFE BIOBEST webpage and our social media channels.
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Copyright © 2023 BIOBEST. Copies of this publication – also of extracts thereof – may only be made with reference to the publisher. | |
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the CINEA - EC. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. | |