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Hi there, dear Reader!

This month, we’re inspired by the success story of Partizánske, a small Slovakian city transforming waste into valuable resources and significantly cutting public costs in the process.

Looking ahead, cities and organisations across Europe will join the European Week for Waste Reduction (16–24 November), with initiatives tackling food waste. Meanwhile, a conference in Poland and a new EU bio-waste report will provide you further insights into effective urban waste management across the continent. 


Highlight of the month


Partizánske: turning waste into resources with community-led solutions

This Slovakian city implemented hands-on, community-driven solutions that reduced expenses and benefited the environment. 

Home to around 21,000 residents across nine diverse neighbourhoods, Partizánske is leading by example with a robust initiative that promotes home composting and optimises waste collection for both households and apartment buildings. The results are impressive: mixed waste has been reduced by 18% citywide, and individual waste by 36%. With 95% of single-family homes now composting, the programme significantly reduces costs for the city’s public budget. 

Read the full case study to see how Partizánske’s model could inspire sustainable waste solutions in other communities.

Want more #ZeroWasteCities?


We have compiled a short list of things you might find useful:

  • If you’re in Poland, join the #LIFEBIOBEST conference on 26 November 2024 to discover local best practices in bio-waste collection and treatment. The event will provide English translations. Info and registration.

  • Read the 2024 report, Bio-waste generation in the EU: current capture levels and future potential, where you’ll find the latest data on bio-waste collection and opportunities for improvement across the EU. Explore the study here


Zero Waste Europe gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the European Union: Commission Directorate General (DG) Environment. The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with Zero Waste Europe. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the funder mentioned above. The funder cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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