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February greetings from Zero Waste Cities

In this month's newsletter, we will be sharing one of our best tools for implementing effective zero waste strategies at the local level, news about the next ZWE Live! Webinar, as well as a heads-up for our biggest publication of the year: the State of Zero Waste Municipalities Report 2022.


Highlight of the month

In need of an expert? Search our database to find a zero waste professional in your area

We are seeing an exciting growth in awareness and interest in the topic of zero waste today, especially at the local level with cities and communities wishing to become zero waste themselves. But what does this actually look like in practice? What are the necessary steps to follow and how would a city know where to begin? 

 By offering training opportunities and a certification system to verify individuals’ expertise, we are growing our network of zero waste experts in order to be able to have a larger pool of individuals who can support municipalities wanting to become zero waste. Individuals who have had their expertise verified can be found in our database - where you can search depending on years of experience and the country they work in. 

 So whether you’re a municipality looking for expert support or an organisation looking for a partner to collaborate with, our growing pool of experts should be your first destination!

(And if you’re wanting to become a qualified expert with us then let us know via

Want more #ZeroWasteCities?


We have compiled a short list of things we think you might find useful, like:

  • Our soon-to-be-published State of Zero Waste Municipalities Report for 2022, which details the progress of the zero waste transition in Europe and globally. Mark your calendar on 28 Feb, where we will be releasing the full report. Read last year's report

  • A new study by Zero Waste Europe and Reloop, which examines whether EU recycling targets can be met through increased separate collections of municipal waste and improved recyclability of packaging. Learn more

  • Our upcoming ZWE Live! Webinar on the overproduction of texiles, focusing on how the current fashion business model can be redesigned to operate witin planetary boundaries. Register here


Zero Waste Europe gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the European Union: Commission Directorate General (DG) Environment. The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with Zero Waste Europe. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the funder mentioned above. The funder cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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